Django and Docker w Psql

This happens because your pgsql db was launched without any envs. The pgsql docker image only uses the envs the first time you created the container, after that it won’t recreate DB and users.

The solution is to remove the pgsql volume so next time you docker-compose up you will have a fresh db with envs read. Simple way to do it is docker-compose down -v

src: SO.

Some steps (some OSX Specific):

pip install -r requirements.txt
brew services restart postgresql
sudo -u probably_your_user_name createuser -s -i \
-d -r -l -w fulfill # create main psql database
createdb app_db_name
psql -c "ALTER ROLE fulfill WITH PASSWORD 'app_db_user_pass';"
createuser app_db_user_name_here
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
python makemigrations