2019 Google SMPT Interaction

To enable a third party app to use a google account’s SMPT credentials to send mail: Use these settings: Gmail SMTP server address: smtp.gmail.com Gmail SMTP username: Your Gmail address (for example, example@gmail.com) Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587 Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465 Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: Yes May … Continued

Google Webfont Tools

Google Webfonts Helper is great. It generates the CSS and also downloads and generates various versions of the font for you. This command line and api option, Google Font Installer is also pretty cool. You can even install it on your computer.

Valet+ 500 Error Bricked PHP, pecl extension troubles apcu, apc

Starts with a 500 nginx error, three days ago, when settling down to do a quick update to a wordpress theme. What have I learned or clarified so far? Valet is a lightweight Mac development environment for Laravel, which is a php framework based on the model–view–controller application approach. Valet+ is a fork of Valet … Continued

Ripping Encrypted DVDs

Client wants his DVD published to his video streaming website. First I worked for a while with effmpeg, but kept getting errors. ffmpeg -i concat:VIDEO_TS.VOB\|VTS_01_0.VOB\|VTS_01_1.VOB -vcodec libxvid -q:v 5 -s 640×480 -aspect 640:480 -r 30 -g 300 -bf 2 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 160k -ar 32000 -async 32000 -ac 2 ~/Documents/Clients/Client/test.mp4 [ac3 @ 0x7fae3c027400] exponent 25 … Continued

sshfs requires libfuse.2.dylib error with iExplorer

iExplorer is a great app with which I can load my iPhone as an external disc. It was crashing after OSX upgrade with following issue: sshfs requires libfuse.2.dylib error with iExplorer. I was able to solve it by installing osxfuse. With homebrew: brew cask install osxfuse

Search all WordPress Database for String

Checking all wp_posts for a specific string: SELECT id, post_title, post_status, post_type, SUBSTR(post_content, LOCATE(‘your search string’, post_content) -1, 100) FROM wp_posts WHERE locate(‘your search string’, post_content) > 0

System Cron, Crontab, Cron Service, WordPress, Oh My

Client needs to automatically import data from a Google spreadsheet into a Custom Post Type. I wrote up a quick (largely borrowed) python script to convert to Google Spreadsheet to a CSV file with the desired headers. Found this pro plugin from Smackcoders called WP CSV Import Pro, which can run the CSV to CPT … Continued