is a software-based outreach/creative communications company located in Pensacola, Florida.

Mike Kilmer, founder and CEO began blogging in the mid-nineties (out of Hoboken, New Jersey) for a web diary, and shortly thereafter was given the opportunity to create the first online catalog for Music Minus One, who referred one of their distributors to me, at which point a career was born.

Between work in the arts, programming and web development and community outreach, Mike became experienced with php blog/CMS frameworks such as WordPress, MiaCMS and Joomla and ecommerce/shopping cart frameworks like Zen Cart and the MVC system, Open Cart, both of which I have created custom modules for.

Many of my clients end up being creative and ground-breaking entrepreneurs for whom the ability to comprehend and explain cutting-edge and cross-genre work and communicate it from the ground up is a necessity.

Mike Kilmer has also been involved in SEO or search engine optimization since the early nineties and still subscribe to the motto that “content is key”, and am a proponent of Customer Relations Management, whether through a system like SalesForce and SugarCRM or simply an email newsletter.


  • php
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • MySQL
  • jQuery
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Apache

Feel free to drop a line with any questions or inquiries.