Check out my man AJ Troxell’s terrific tutorial and adding the Magnific Pop (a responsive/modal image gallery based of jquery) to a wordpress installation.
There’s also the ZenMagnific plugin I helped develop for the Zen Cart shopping cart framework, which we’re using with the Renaissance Man, Inc site.
Now using it, combine with some WP Native Gallery Style Overrides, in the Storybook Sound website’s Album Art Gallery.
The code for selectively overriding some of the wordpress native gallery styling is this:
function enqueue_gallery_style() {
wp_enqueue_style($handle = 'storybook-gallery-styling', $src = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/album-gallery.css', $deps = array(), $ver = null, $media = null );
add_filter( 'post_gallery', 'enqueue_gallery_style', 1001, 2 );
The above code loads your custom css (/album-gallery.css) to the page (post_gallery) after the native styles are loaded (if my understanding is correct).